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September 09, 2024

Detoxification: Maximising Your Body's Natural Cleansing Process

Detoxification, Holistic Wellness, Light Science, Sweat, Longevity

In today's world, where our surroundings are increasingly filled with environmental pollutants and impurities, supporting our body's detoxification systems is essential for maintaining optimal health.

In today's world, where our surroundings are increasingly filled with environmental pollutants and impurities, supporting our body's detoxification systems is essential for maintaining optimal health.

Detoxification is crucial for longevity and disease prevention. Dr. Mark Hyman, a renowned physician and an internationally recognised leader, speaker,and  educator, wrote this recent article on detoxification highlighting the vital roles of the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, digestive, and lymphatic systems in this process. These detox systems filter and remove toxins from the body. However, in the world we live in today, our environment exposes us to a plethora of pollutants that can lead to overwhelming our natural detoxification pathways.

When these systems are overburdened, toxins accumulate, leading to oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation, and disrupted gut function—all primary drivers of accelerated aging and chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and dementia.

Sunlighten infrared therapy can enhance detoxification by helping our bodies cope with the daily influx of pollutants by removing toxins through our skin and body pathways. This wellness modality not only supports the body’s natural detoxification process, but also supports our overall wellness through a range of benefits in an effective and effortless way.


Sunlighten’s highly efficient, patented SoloCarbon® infrared heating technology gives you the best detoxification experience because it is clinically proven to raise core body temperature by three degrees fahrenheit.2 You experience a deep, productive sweat from your cells as the SoloCarbon infrared waves penetrate your skin and heat your core to expel the toxins, rather than just sitting in hot, ambient air that only heats your outer skin.

This creates an enjoyable experience of more productive sweat, rather than an uncomfortable, stifling hot and less-productive sweat.

Sunlighten saunas can enhance detoxification in the following ways:

  • Deep Cellular Detoxification: Infrared saunas use infrared light wavelengths (near, mid and far) to trigger a range of physiological responses.  Far infrared significantly quickens the detoxification process by raising the body’s core temperature and absorbing infrared rays at a deep cellular level causing cells to vibrate.  This vibrational energy triggers a release of deeply stored toxins from the cells and fat layers, which are then carried out of the body via perspiration. Sweating is a natural detoxification method through which the body expels toxins, such as heavy metals, chemicals, and other waste products.
  • Enhanced Blood Circulation: Elevating the core body temperature triggers a thermoregulatory response in the body, dilating blood vessels and increasing circulation to naturally lower temperature. Better blood flow helps transport toxins to the skin’s surface, where they can be expelled through sweat. Improved circulation also aids in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues, which supports overall cellular function and the detoxification process.
  • Activation of Sweat Glands: Infrared heat activates sweat glands more effectively than traditional heat sources. As the sweat glands work harder, they produce more sweat, which is a key mechanism for removing toxins from the body. This increased sweating can help clear out impurities that accumulate in the skin and underlying tissues.
  • Support for Metabolic Processes: The elevated body temperature induced by infrared therapy can boost metabolic processes. An enhanced metabolism accelerates the breakdown and removal of toxins and waste products from the body. This heightened metabolic rate supports the liver and kidneys in their role of filtering and eliminating toxins.


For optimal and effortless wellness, while supporting  your body’s detoxification process, consider the following routine. The below recommendations aim to promote circulation, improve oxygen supply and enhance the body's natural waste removal processes.

AirPod mHBOT Sessions:

Start with regular 60-minute sessions, 2-3 times a week. We recommend following up your AirPod session with an infrared sauna. You can read more about how AirPod can help support detoxification here. [link to AirPod article]

Sunlighten Infrared Sauna Use: 

30-40 minutes post-AirPod session to further support detoxification through sweating and infrared light therapy. 


Drink water with electrolytes before and after sessions to aid toxin removal and maintain hydration. We recommend a pinch of celtic sea salt or squeeze of lemon in your water bottle to replace lost electrolytes through your detox process.

Dietary Support:

Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods and supplements such as glutathione to support liver function. 

We also love the Gut Co’s CLEANSE supplement, which is a naturopathically formulated powerful and unique greens powder that helps your body detoxify. It contains bitter liver herbs to detoxify the liver and the kidneys such as St Mary’s thistle, Globe artichoke.

Small changes at the grocery store:

We also recommend buying organic produce and cleaning products where possible to limit the amount of toxin we expose our bodies to. You can also try washing fruit and veg with a bicarb soda rinse to remove unwanted chemicals. 

By prioritising detoxification, we assist our bodies in improving circulation, recovery, sleep quality, cognitive function, skincare, and immune resilience. Each of these functions is crucial for longevity and disease prevention. By enhancing our body’s natural detoxification processes, we efficiently eliminate toxins, enabling us to thrive amidst life’s daily demands.

For more detailed information or to explore how Sunlighten Infrared Saunas and AirPod mHBOT can benefit your health, visit Sunlighten Australia and AirPod Wellness


  1. Hyman, M. (2021). How to Detox for Longevity. Available at: Dr. Mark Hyman
  2. Buckley, C.J. and Cooper, J.S., 2023. Hyperbaric Oxygen Effects On Angiogenesis. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Last updated: 4 September 2023. Available at:
  3. ​​Core Body Temperature Study, UMKC, 2001

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WRITTEN BY: Sunlighten

Shining light on infrared technology, Sunlighten® is the #1 choice for personalized infrared light treatments. Since 1999, we have been committed to innovating wellness products and services that empower our customers to improve their quality of life. Our patented SoloCarbon® technology rejuvenates the body by delivering the highest dose of infrared energy to the body - proven up to 99% effective. Our technological innovations are fueled by our passion to make a difference. And we are building a global community of businesses, consumers, and trusted experts to support each other along the way and make the world a healthier, happier place.

Sunlighten saunas are not a medical device as defined by Section 201(h) of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act. Sunlighten provides general information relating to various medical conditions for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified health care professional. Please consult with your physician regarding diagnosis or treatment.